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Game Name : Legend Of Zelda, The : Twilight Princess
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2007-02-16 02:32:40
Views : 29364

Frog lure
To unlock the frog lure, beat all the levels of rollgoal in the fishing hut at Upper Zora's River. To play, look around for a little board and when you see at, press up on the C-Stick and look directly at it for a second. She'll ask you to play for 5 rupees.

Bigger bomb bags
Score 25 points playing Iza's boat game by shooting jars on the way down to Lake Hylia. Yellow jars are worth 1 point and red jars are worth 2 points. After you score 25 points Iza's helper will allow you to carry double the bombs in all of your bomb bags. The amount of bombs in each bag depends on what type of bombs you are currently holding in each bag.

Quiver Upgrades
To upgrade you arrow capacity, you need to play the "STAR" game located in the large tent in Southeast Hyrule Castle Town.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Big Quiver (60 Arrows)Complete "STAR" game level 1. (Clawshot Required)
Giant Quiver (100 Arrows)Complete "STAR" game Level 2 .(Double Clawshot Required)

Donation Reduction
Donate 1000 rupees to Goron inside the Malo Mart in Kakariko Village (you must progress past the third dungeon beforehand). Talk to the old Goron outside the shop and complete the quest he offers. Once completed, the second donation amount will be reduced from 2000 to 200 rupees.

Malo Mart-Castle Branch and Magic Armor
After donating 1000 rupees and completing the hot springwater sidequest, donate 2000 more rupees to Malo Mart. A new Malo Mart will open in Castle Town and magic armor will be available for purchase there. The amount owed can be reduced (see Secrets section below).

Easy Way To Win Flight-By-Fowl Minigame!
When you unlock Falbi's Flight-By-Fowl minigame on Lake Hylia save as soon as you enter his hut. Then pay for the minigame and try to land on the top tier platform. If you fail reload. For some reason it lets you start again inside his hut. Where you can try again instead of having to pay 10 Rupees to get launched from Fryers attraction again.

Poe Rewards
You can unlock certain rewards for returning Poes back to Jiovani.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
200 Rupees (talk to him again for another 200)Bring back 60 Poe Souls to Jiovani.
Bottle W/ Fairy TearsBring back 20 Poe Souls to Jiovani.

Control a Cucco!
Hit a Cucco about eight times to be able to control it briefly.

Safe fall
When you are in Ordon. Pick up a chicken and run off a hill or some other high location. The chicken will flap its wings and you will be able to hover to the ground.

Defeating Fyrus
Shoot the eye on is head a few times and he will fall. Then run up and start slashing away. He will get back up. This time you only need to shoot him once and he will fall. Do it one more time and you shall be victorious. If you are running low on arrows or health there are pots around the room.

Big Wallet
Give Agatha 1 Golden Bug

Bomb Bag Upgrades
There are 3 bomb bags to obtain and 1 capacity upgrade that affects all 3 bags.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Bomb Bag 1Purchace from Barnes Bomb Shop in Kakariko after 2nd temple.
Bomb Bag 2Free the goron from the giant lava rock located underwater in zoras domain.
Bomb Bag 3Destroy the rock barriers for the River Canoe mini-game owner.
Bomb Bag Capacity Upgrade (Double)Score 25 points or more on the River Canoe Mini-Game.

Talk to Epona
When you able to become both human and wolf, go to a patch of "Horse Calls" as a wolf. Press A to howl. Howl the song as indicated with blue lines, and Epona will come to you. Still as a wolf, go up to Epona and talk to her. She tell you to hurry up and turn back into a human.

After locating the Gerudo Mesa and Cave of Ordeals in the Gerudo desert, you are able to unlock fairies and later Great Fairies at each spring around Hyrule. Smaller fairies can be bottled, restore 8 hearts when used, or when you run out of hearts. Great Fairies will give you a bottle full of Great Fairy Tears, which heal you full and temporarily boost your attack, provided you have an empty bottle and no Tears in your inventory already. Both have an infinite supply once unlocked.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Fairies in the Eldin SpringBeat 30 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Faron SpringBeat 20 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Lanayru SpringBeat 40 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Fairies in the Ordon SpringBeat 10 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals
Great Fairies in all springsBeat 50 rooms in the Cave of Ordeals

Adult Wallet
The Adult Wallet can be obtained after defeating the giant Twilight Bug at Lake Hylia. Go to Hyrule Castle Town as a human and go to the southeast alleyway. Look for a door. Give the girl inside any Golden Bug you have caught and she will give you an Adult Wallet, capable of holding 600 Rupees. One golden bug is outside the south entrance of Castle Town, on the top of a large vine covered column. Blow up the rocks with a bomb and a Golden Ladybug will come out. It will resemble a point of light. Hit it with the boomerang and grab it with A. There are also two Golden Ants in Kakariko and Kakariko graveyard.

Unlimited Rupees
Bring 60 Poe Souls to Jiovani.

Giant Wallet
Give Agatha all 24 Golden Bugs

Bigger quivers
Enter the large tent in Southeast Hyrule Castle Town and play the "STAR" mini-game. If you have the Clawshot, win level 1 of the mini-game to unblock the Big Quiver, with a 60 arrow capacity. If you have the Double Clawshot, win level 2 of the mini-game to unlock the Giant Quiver, with a 100 arrow capacity.

Alternate sword sheathing
Just after killing a monster, press A to put away your sword. It will do the same sheathing move as when you kill a Boss or when you learn a new Hidden Skill.

Bottle: Fishing Hole
Go to the fishing hole, and find the sign that says: No Littering! You can get a bottle if you fish on the right side of the bridge that is near that sign. Its darker water than normal.

Defeating Twilight monsters
The easiest way to defeat them is to kill the one that is not near you, then use the force field to kill the rest.

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